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Kunjungan Studi Universidade De Dili, Timor Leste

[tabs slidertype=”simple” fx=”slide” auto=”yes”] [tab][/tab] [tab][/tab] [tab][/tab] [tab][/tab] [tab][/tab] [/tabs] Pada tanggal 16 – 18 April 2015, Universidade De Dili dari Timor Leste mengunjungi Jurusan Teknik Geologi, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Gadjah Mada. Kunjungan studi ini dilakukan bagi mahasiswa Teknik Perminyakan Universidade De Dili. Mereka diberikan materi mengenai “Introduction of Petroleum Geology”, yaitu pengenalan tentang peranan […]


International Geomapping Competition 2015 is ready to START! The biggest Geological Mapping Competition in South East Asia is ready to be held on Monday, 23rd 2015. The competition named INTERNATIONAL GEOMAPPING COMPETITON (IGC) 2015 has a theme : “Reveal the Secret of the Earth”. The opening of 2015 IGC will be held at KPFT Gadjah […]