Terima kasih banyak atas kunjungannya yang perdana rekan2 Teknik Lingkungan UII, semoga bahan diskusi kita tadi sore bisa berguna buat masing-masing himpunan dan hubungan baik ini tetap terjaga. Amin! #Geologisampaimati #GesaGesuSesuSasa
Arsip 2016:
Dept. Penelitian dan Pengembangan HMTG FT UGM proudly presents: ” 2nd WGBI – One day Course : Geostatistical Application in Reservoir Modelling ” Time and Place : Saturday (23/4/2015), Room 3.1 Geological Engineering Department Building. Join us on to get these knowledges from the expert! He is Mr. Abdul Latief S, M.E, a senior consultant […]
Lets jump as high as we can and let Geoweek’s name up to the sky and make it incredibly global. Further information : Geoweek.ft.ugm.ac.id #Geologisampaimati #GesaGesuSesuSasa